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S.Korean president names new chief of staff

SEOUL, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Monday named a new chief of staff and four other senior presidential secretaries to fill the vacancy caused by the former spokesman's sex scandal.

Kim Ki-choon, a three-term lawmaker, was nominated to replace Huh Tae-yeol as the new presidential chief of staff, senior presidential press secretary Lee Jung-hyun told a press briefing.

The replacement came after Park's first spokesman Yoon Chang- jung was dismissed over sexual assault scandal during her official visit to Washington in early May. Huh was held responsible for the scandal.

The Yoon's dismissal led to the resignation of his direct supervisor Lee Nam-ki, former senior press secretary, who was replaced by former political affairs secretary Lee Jung-hyun.

The vacancy for the senior political affairs secretary was filled by Park Joon-woo, a career diplomat. It came as a surprise because the job, which covers domestic politics, tended to be taken by a politician.

Former senior prosecutor Hong Kyung-shik was named as a new senior secretary for civil affairs, and information and communications technology expert Yoon Chang-bun was nominated as senior secretary for future strategy. Former Vice Health &Welfare Minister Choi Won-young was named as senior secretary for employment and welfare affairs.

Editor:James |Source: Xinhua

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