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Pentagon chief urges Egypt's security forces for restraint

WASHINGTON, July 30 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Tuesday spoke by phone with Egyptian Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, urging restraint by Egyptian security forces, the Pentagon said.

According to a statement from Pentagon Press Secretary George Little, the two discussed the security situation in Egypt, and Hagel urged restraint by Egyptian security forces in dealing with ongoing protests.

Their conversation came after EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton paid a visit to ousted president Mohamed Morsi.

Little also said the two defense leaders discussed Ashton's visit to Egypt and the need for an inclusive reconciliation process.

The Egyptian defense minister reiterated support for the political roadmap outlined by Egypt's interim transitional government, Little said.

Supporters of the ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on Tuesday took to the streets in several marches across capital Cairo.

Morsi has been detained since he was deposed and replaced by interim leader Adli Mansour more than four weeks ago, after his opponents held massive protests to demand his ouster.

The United States, Germany, the United Nations and the European Union (EU) have called for Morsi's release. Egypt's interim government said Morsi was in a safe place and well-treated.

Nearly 300 people have died in violence since Morsi was deposed on July 3. The new round of bloody confrontations happened on July 27, a day before Ashton's visit, leaving at least 82 people killed and about 800 others injured in rival rallies, mostly in Cairo and the northern Mediterranean port city of Alexandria.

Editor:James |Source: Xinhua

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